Why you always forget what you learn ?
You Don’t Practice What You Learned
So many beginners just jump from tutorial to tutorial , but the real learning happens when you try to implement the learned things on your own without someone showing you how to do it. So always watch a course and after that make an own app with what you have learned.
You Don’t Write Down What you learn
Taking notes can really let things stay longer in your memory the main reason for that is that you have to write them in your own language which makes you think about what you’re just learning and better understand it that way.
You’re Not Focused While Learning
If your smartphone lies next to you while you watch youtube videos. Ipromise you that you will be distracted by that. Nobody can concentrate at two things at once, so everytime you take a look at your phone you don’t get what was taught in the video always put your phone away while studying.
You Don’t Take Enough Breaks
No programmer can work 8 hours straight and fully focused Everybody needs breaks but people often think they can still do some more work even if they shouldn’t you can go to tomato-timer.com to set up a timer that automatically reminds you when you should take a break.
You Don’t Enjoy Your Workspace
Take your time to adjust your workspace so that absolutely love being there.Remove any distracting elements (like undone dishes) .Only those items that you really need for work should be on your desk.Listening to your favorite music can also help you to come into a deeper learning focus.
You Don’t Repeat Enough
Repetition is the key to learning something.No baby on the world just stood up and started walking on the first try.You have to do things over and over again until you internalize them.Think about it, every skill you have required a lot of repitition.